Friday, September 30, 2005

Okkervil River @ La Guingette Pirate

29 Sept, 2005 - Paris

the set was comprehensive. selections from all the records chosen loosely with rivers, water, or ships in mind. i don't know their older records all that well, but they did play main island lovers, and some amazing songs that i didn't recognize at all. they hit the black sheep boy highlights - the latest toughs, black sheep boy, for real, and a king and a queen, a stone... frankly, they're all highlights.

something Will said while introduction "song of our so-called friend" was that it was written as a kind of companion to maine island lovers - while main island lovers is written from the point of view of a young lover who is, as he said "more realistic about the relationship", so-called friend is written from the other side of things.

these are all the photos from the show that came out even partially. wish i had gotten a clearer view and knew how to get better lowlight photos on this camera... but this is all this is it...