Monday, November 21, 2005

we don't sleep at night

more and more i'm convinced that death from above is one of the top 5 bands going right now.

Death From Above 1979 - We Don't Sleep At Night

their show at the el rey last month was just incredible. this band is so goddamn hardcore it's unnecessary. it's totally uncalled for how good they are. this track is from the romantic rights single, and i don't know about you but i most certainly do not sleep at night. i've gotten into a rut of taking massive afternoon naps, which has kicked my sleeping pattern in the side of the head. i seem to sleep about 4 or 5 hours at night and try to suss out a few hours for napping at some more "reasonable" time. maybe it's the lack of proper nutrition or an under-stimulated imagination, but sleeping at night is now purely optional.

the single has romantic rights, pull out (another b-side), and a really bad remix of romantic rights by girls are short. but hell, tell me who else plays a bass like that and i'll buy their singles too.