Monday, January 30, 2006

French Kicks prep 3rd LP

French Kicks - White

remember the french kicks? I mean remember like BEFORE. before they stole the drummer from the walkmen. back when nick strumpf would sit behind the kit and bounce up and down while he belted out post-pop tunes to chiming guitars and rolling drums. this May it will be two years since the bands Star Time debut - 2004's Trial Of The Century. two years since they unrolled strumpf from behind the drums. all 18 feet tall of him. two years since he took to leaning into a steady croon, one arm perched on the mic stand. but back before that, the 'kicks had a genuine garage feel to their hall and oates strut. you got the feeling these guys would have to take up tennis because otherwise they wouldn't be able to wear half their wardrobe.

maybe it's the apple green v-neck i recently purchased, but i've been thinking a bit about this band lately. about how awesome their shows were at spaceland and the troubadour. and wondering "how are those guys gonna regroup after their last record?" TOTC had some moments, but to call it a "slow burn" is like calling a coma "nap time". there's some nice tracks on that record. i bought it. i listened and wanted to like it more than i did. but it wasn't the band i knew and loved. word on the bands website reports that the kicks will be coming out to los angeles to lay down tracks for their 3rd LP. they expecting to be done in March and have the record out around June. with a little luck, they'll play a few gigs in town to warm up the new material.

White originally appears on the bands 99's self-titled EP issued on My Pal God and later on an import-only version of the Young Lawyer EP on V2 i think. if you don't have it and if you can find it, pick up the import. (that kind of sounded like the last line of the A-Team opening voice over... for which i'm not going to apologize.)