Saturday, October 01, 2005


wow... a couple things are slightly startling today.

1) it's october. the unofficial start of the holiday season. the first month of the year that it actually starts to cool off. fall. waking up cold. when hot coffee is not only a chemical desire but a thermal necessity.

2) it's saturday. this is the first day of this 9 day vacation that i am not expected to work, not am i thinking about it at all.

as glad as i am to be here, i'm looking forward to getting home. to getting back to the few people i love. to endless hang outs, pointless conversations, and being able to laugh at - and make - a joke.

while Pavement's Type Slowly is a little more the mood i'm in today, there's no way around the fact that we've had perfect paris rain, and i'm cold chillin... so i defer to the london sued - there was one too many gaps in this record to put it up there amongs the better records of the decade, but you'll notice this has or is becoming a staple on the local retro dance floor... so stick em up.

London Suede - Can't Get Enough