Monday, October 31, 2005

It's Your Limitations That Make You What You Are

The Mendoza Line - Catch A Collapsing Star

if you think it can't be cool for a band's name to be rooted in the traditions of baseball since the outfield recorded the cheaters bible "your love", i can talk you out of it over a pint at the shortstop.

the mendoza line is not only proof of that, but also evidence that every rock band from athens is not necessarily "athens rock" (a derogatory term around my house).

this is a sturdy band. the kind that doesn't have a week link. without a drop off in song writting, structure, performance, or power from track to track, album to album. now in order to appreciate this, you'll have to allow for slight alt-country nouveau-folk influences along side your classic dylan and replacements, but that shouldn't be too much to ask.