when the punk was real
Operation Ivy - Bad Town
Operation Ivy - Sound System
Maybe it was seeing the rapture last night at the viper room that inspired me towards music with sax riffs, or maybe it's that O.I. are just fucking awesome and were more or less responsible for reviving what the clash first did to punk. in any case, here's a couple O.I. tracks to make sure you have a great weekend, stay punk, drink some beer and kick some ass.
see you losers monday. and remember: only posers die.
Operation Ivy - Sound System
Maybe it was seeing the rapture last night at the viper room that inspired me towards music with sax riffs, or maybe it's that O.I. are just fucking awesome and were more or less responsible for reviving what the clash first did to punk. in any case, here's a couple O.I. tracks to make sure you have a great weekend, stay punk, drink some beer and kick some ass.
see you losers monday. and remember: only posers die.