Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Take a break. Snack on some Rush.

...And You Will Know Us By The Trail Of The Dead - Back In New York City

Rush - Beneath, Betweeen & Behind

Taking a break from the Bozulich bio today.

the first song is the B-side from the title-track single off the bands last record for Interscope Worlds Apart. The album came out in jan. 2005. the single arrived in late 2004. i haven't heard much from Worlds Apart other than the title track. i find the direction of this B-side represents to be exciting - borrowing from prog rock traditions of Rush with a pinch of Supertramp mixed in - but it lack some of the necessary focus and, well... vurtuosity that prog rock generally requires to be compelling.

For an example of said prog-rock, check the Rush track. when it comes to rush I tend shy away from the hits because they transcend that essential nerd factor. "Acceptable Rush" is an oxymoron. don't get me wrong, i love Tom Sawyer and Limelight but to me, those are arena rock tracks that could have been written by Journey. The quintessence of Rush is it's very outsider-ness. Red Sector A, By-Tor, 2112...