Monday, October 03, 2005

in about...

10 hours... i will head to the airport. i will sit patiently to board a hallway with wings wherein i will wait anxiously as it charges down a runway and demands entry to the sky. i will sit, folded in half for some 12 hours until it lands (i hope) at it's scheduled time (i hope) in it's scheduled location (please). i will reclaim my bag, pass through american customs, pass through the familliar swoosh of sliding glass doors and into the jutting heat of los angeles smog.

the indians used to call it the valley of smoke. we've just percolated it through some 100 years of internal combustion into a different kind of smoke. but beyond that, i have no idea what awaits. i have a place where i live, and a car, and a job i go to. clothes, shoes, a refridgerator, a couch i use as a clothes line. but what else? what plans? i have no plans. i would like some plans. some schematics. some notion of what comes next as indeciferrable as it may be. time has stood still for too long. so that's what i'm going back for. to lay out some plans and to set them in motion. for better or for worse.

Sunday, October 02, 2005


so it looks like i'll be heading home on schedule - the strike isn't supposed to affect the entire transportation system and air france should be servicing international traffic...

the sky here has been truly amazing. after every cobble stone street corner begins to look the same, the sky remains a surprise every time.