Friday, October 14, 2005

borrowing from scout?

or responding in kind?

iTunes, click party mix, selecte the first 10 tracks.

my own condition is no duplicate artists which eliminated a second mountain goats track and bumbed jawbreaker into the mix.

  1. The Mountain Goats - This Year
  2. At The Drive In - Quarantined
  3. John Vanderslice - Gainsville, Fla
  4. De La Soul - 4 More
  5. American Death Ray - Roller Coaster Ride
  6. The Modern Lovers - Road Runner #1
  7. The Cult - Love Removal Machine
  8. Kiss - Lick It Up
  9. !!! - The Step
  10. Jawbreaker - Chemistry

i can't decide if itunes is using love remover machine as a set up for lick it up, or if lick it up is just the hyper ridiculous lead-out for lover removal machine? either way, the individual songs are fantastic, but in combination make for something entirely ... disgusting.

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

the one sentence post

Monday, October 10, 2005


Dave Chung

This one is awesome

generally i'm not a huge fan of this school, but there's some cool painting in there.

sketch 009

i drew this a while back, maybe a year and a half ago? i always meant to do something more with it. i think it's a pretty good character study as is though.